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Antibody Discovery Platform
Using proteases as molecular probes:
Our proprietary technology AbiProtĀ® can identify accessible antibody-binding sites on native-state proteins in the cell membrane by combining microfluidics and proteases as molecular probes. The platform yields detailed sequence and structure information for epitope identification, antigen design and antibody development and is proven to identify novel antibody binding sites on difficult-to-drug targets (e.g. ion-channels and G protein-coupled receptors).
-Has been successfully used to generate functional antibodies to the ion channel TRPV1, with functional validation in vitro and in vivo (non-human primates).
-Provides experimental data on accessible sites (by using proteases and microfluidics) on complex transmembrane proteins in the context of the cell membrane.
-Is compatible with state-of-the-art antibody generation technologies.
Trkulja C.L. et
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